Unreal Engine 4 Lighting Fundamentals Part 2 | Florent Tunno
A tutorial by Florent Tunno, covering the fundamentals of lighting inside Unreal Engine 4.
Unreal Engine 4 Lighting Fundamentals Part 2 | Florent Tunno
Following our popular Lighting Fundamentals Part 1 course, we will go deeper to understand and learn how to improve the lighting of your scenes. In part 2, you will learn about Reflections, Lightmass Portals and Ambient Occlusion. Understanding the technical aspects of these key elements will help you improve the artistic side of your work and allow for improved results. Remember that lighting has a direct influence on everything and understanding lighting is essential for any project.
Whether you’re a seasoned artist, student, hobbyist or someone just starting out, grab this tutorial and learn an essential workflow that will allow you to work faster and more efficiently. Fuel your Creative Mind today.
Florent Tunno is a Lighting Artist at DONTNOD currently working on Twin Mirror and a Lighting Teacher at LISAA. With experience working in AAA and teaching students, Florent is the perfect artist to teach you everything you need to know about lighting. His focus and attention to understanding how lighting behaves and can drastically change a scenes atmosphere makes him adept at crafting a compelling story using only lights.
42 Minute Video Tutorial
1440p Resolution
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